Friends in the Community

It has been another successful week, thanks to our volunteers and host churches. Family Promise of Carteret County is proud to announce another graduated family, because of your help! We look forward to hearing their story as they move forward in the world with the sense of community you have helped foster bolstering them.

Glad Tidings Church

Our friends, Glad Tidings Church in Morehead City

Last week, our families stayed with Glad Tidings Church in Morehead City. The overnight hosts did a beautiful job of making our families welcome, especially when one of the children in our program came down with the cold. They stepped up, making her comfortable enough to rest and get better. There are many stresses on a family when they are homeless, like cold weather and food scarcity, that shelters try to resolve. There are also small stresses, like a child’s sniffles that keep a mother up, that require a community of people to manage. With our friends, we are able to build that community and accomplish more than the necessities of room and board. The communities who invite in the families of Family Promise can mean a world of difference to them, in and out of the program. As the saying goes, “it takes a village”. Thank you, Glad Tidings Church, for being part of our community.

In continuing that thought, we would like to thank two specific overnight hosts who volunteered to coordinate the meals and sleeping spaces for our families.  Bob and Diana Carrick went above and beyond, not only helping with a sick child, but also helping a parent prepare for job interviews and a future career through this week.  Good news, Diana, your protege is now employed! Thank you very much for your part in their journey.

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.  – Matthew 25:35-36

Honoring our Friends

We would like to acknowledge the aid we receive from our volunteers and local partnerships. Thank you for all your help, friends. You are the heart and soul of Family Promise of Carteret County, NC.

Our friends, the First Baptist Church of Beaufort

The First Baptist Church
of Beaufort, NC

Today we are focusing the spotlight on the First Baptist Church of Beaufort, NC, who hosted Family Promise guests last week. Your church opened its doors to us, and many fond memories were made while under your roof. Thanks as well to your congregation for making this time warm and inviting. Thank you for your friendship and aid to our family.

At the Day Center, we are thankful for our new volunteer, Alicia, a Social Work student at UNC. She is helping out our families find their feet with local connections and paperwork. She is also streamlining our Day Center resources and providing tools to fix our stroller. Welcome Alicia, you’re going to go far!

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Matthew 25:35-36